5 suggestions FOR 2-YEAR MOLAR TEETHING [+ how TO ease THE DISCOMFORT!]

Teething can be a BEAST! I know I am not the only mother available who wakes up hoping and praying that her kid’s teeth don’t hurt that day. Teething can start as early as six months and just when you think it’s over, the 2-year molar teething kicks in and changes the game.  

The 2-year molar teething typically starts around your child’s second birthday and includes the second primary molars. Please note that if your child is past their two-year birthday and you have not seen any secondary molars, do not worry, every child is different. 

If you think you and your child are about to enter the second phase of teething, well pull up a chair, because you have come to the best place for suggestions and techniques from a Rookie Mom! 

*THIS post IS FOR information and home entertainment purposes ONLY, ought to YOU OR YOUR child need medical attention PLEASE seek YOUR own medical PROFESSIONAL.

What is 2-Year Molar Teething?

2-year molar teething is the eruption of the last set of teeth in the back of our mouths, typically surfacing around our second birthday. This entire chapter in a child’s life can be incredibly painful, irritating, and frankly frustrating for all celebrations involved!

Signals For 2-Year Molar Teething

Before we get into the suggestions and tricks, you need to know what to look for in regard to two-year teething. The much more knowledge you have in regard to indications of teething will make you better prepared to help your bit one through this uncomfortable and difficult time.


Child is much more irritable than usual.
Child is chewing on any and everything they can get their hands on.
Child is drooling much more than what they typically do.
Child may have a low-grade fever. 
If you are daring and able to take a good look in their mouths, you may also see swollen gums or even eruption of the molars coming in.
Child is not sleeping as well as they used to. 

5 suggestions for 2-Year Molar Teething

1. Teething Rings

Giving your child a teething sound may be just what they need to get to work on their gums and help expedite the teething process. 

Green Sprouts Molar Teether from Target

Teething rings such as this green Sprouts Molar Teether from Target are a terrific option to get for your bit teething toddler. It is perfectly sized and has multiple structures to help reach and massage those molar gums and teeth.

Shop Here

2. Some attention and Love

Baby bonding doesn’t stop when they become a toddler, being present with love and affection for your hurting young child is in some cases the best medicine! I know that personally for my son, whenever he is in pain, a hug from mother may not make his pain go away, but it certainly helps. A lot of times, just like adults, youngsters just want to know that someone is there for them, through the difficult times. 

3. let them bite or suck on something cold

Chewing or sucking on something cold will help decrease inflammation in the swollen area. It will also feel so good on their bit gums and make them have a bit bit of comfort from the pain. 

Fridababy Not-Too-Cold-To-Hold Teether

These freezable gum massagers from Fridababy are the optimal purchase to help soothe your bit one’s sore gums! The charm of these teethers is that you do not need to worry about their bit hands freezing with their stay-warm handle, just pull out of the cold and hand over!

Shop Here

4. scrubing or massaging the gums with a clean finger

Try scrubing and/or massaging your bit one’s gums to help eliminate their discomfort for a bit. As a mother though, I am going to caution you that if the tooth has already broken through the gums, you might want to let the teething sound do the job! OUCH! 

5. Over-the-counter medications like Tylenol

We always recommend that you speak with with your pediatrician for any medication. Personally, in my own experience after speaking to my son’s pediatrician and getting the appropriate dosage for his weight and age, I found that when the pain is intolerable for him, a bit Tylenol helped. 

About the Author

Ashland Hendrix from luvashland.com

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5 suggestions for 2 Year Molar Teething 

Frequently Asked concerns about 2-Year Molar Teething

Are the 2-year molars the last teeth to find in?

In regard to baby teeth, the 2-year molars are the last of the baby teeth to find in. 

How long do 2-Year Molars take to find in?

Every child is different, but many of the time you see the 2-year molars coming in around their second birthday (hence the name) and each tooth take about 1-2 weeks to find in.

Is teething worse at night?

There are numerous articles available making the claim that teething is worse at night. From our research, it isVzhľadom na to, že v noci nie je tak početné rozptýlenie, čo spôsobuje, že zubná mačka bude mať hlavné zameranie.

Ako dlho trvá nájdenie dvojročných stoličiek?

Nájdenie môžu trvať asi 2 až 3 týždne, ale líši sa od dieťaťa k dieťaťu.

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