Weekend reflection – new Computers, strange weather and a Tiring pregnancy

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Je čas opäť premýšľať o poslednom týždni. Aké boli niektoré z pozitívnych vecí, ktoré sa stali? Čo ťa naozaj trápilo? Smiali ste sa? Plakať? Postavte sa na hlavu? Čokoľvek ste urobili minulý týždeň, chcem to počuť. Zapisovanie všetkých bláznivých vecí, ktoré sa stali za posledný týždeň, je dobrý spôsob, ako sa vysporiadať so stresom. Keďže naše životy sú rušnejšie a rušnejšie spolu s tým, je stres. Je čas nechať to všetko von, aby ste si mohli užiť víkend. Popadnite kód tlačidla, urobte svoj blogový príspevok a nezabudnite zanechať odkaz s pánom Lindy!

This past week went by way too quickly, just like every week. and of course here I am complaining once again that I did not get everything done that I wanted too. but the week wasn’t as bad as the week before.

I’m sitting at the library playing “catch up” again. It seems like I’m always falling behind. but instead of being five days behind I am only one so hopefully I’ll be able to catch up easier.

Blogging is turning into my life. I’m spending at least 8 hours every day writing, on conference calls, answering e mails or networking with others. I finally decided that I am a professional blogger and I went out on Thursday night and invested in a very expensive lap top solely for this business. now I just need to make the money back ASAP! and I am going to bust my butt to do it.My new computer is an HP pavilion . It comes complete with a built in web cam (which I haven’t figured out how to use yet) 4GB of RAM and 320GB hard drive. It is much, much faster than my old computer with only 1GB of RAM. I can also run multiple programs at once without it crashing on me. I decided that HP computers are much nicer than Dells. This is the first time I’ve owned an HP.

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My pregnancy is getting harder and harder on me. I am now about 30 weeks along and I just want to get it over with! I am tired all the time, hungry all the time and have been going back and forth between diarrhea and constipation. I get constipated so I skip taking my iron pill for a day then the opposite happens. I can tell that my intestines are squished and it is so uncomfortable. I remember feeling the same way with my last pregnancies. I just want this to end!

My kids had a pretty good week. Courtney helped me with the little ones so I could work and rest. It seems like that is all I’ve been doing. Housework is getting impossible for me because my back always hurts due to all the contractions I’ve been having. Chris is helping out quite a bit with the housework.

On Monday I have my last visit with my counselor. after that Chris and I are going to start marriage counseling. It will be like our “date night” once a week. I am hoping that communication will improve between us once we start this. It seems like we are just co workers running a household and raising kids together. All our conversations are strictly business.

This weekend I am not doing much. We are just going to hang around the house, go to mass on Sunday and that is really about it.

I forgot to mention that the weather around here has been very strange lately. I feel like I am back home. Our temperatures have barely reached 80 this past week and it’s feeling a little muggy outside. yesterday it even rained! but the rainbow that followed was beautiful. too bad I didn’t get a photo of it. My parents said that the weather back home has been strange too. out there the temperatures are in the lower seventies. I would like it to warm up out here but at the same time while I am pregnant these cooler temperatures are nice.


Aký si mal týždeň? Is the weather where you live pretty strange too? I’d like to hear how your week went. If you are participating in weekend reflection don’t forget to leave your link!

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